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Why is Chile ideal for producing organic wine?

Chile has stood out for years in the production of wines due to the variety of its strains and the excellent relationship between quality and price that they offer. And among the various alternatives that the country offers, one of the most innovative is the production of organic wine, a sector of the industry that is growing by leaps and bounds.


But what is an organic wine?

These are those produced with certified organic grapes, leaving chemical elements out of the cultivation and vinification process, and always seeking a friendly relationship with the environment and with the resources used, such as water or soil.

Similarly, during the vinification of this type of wine there are special practices, such as limiting the use of sulfur dioxide (or sulphites) – an additive traditionally used as an antiseptic and antioxidant -, among others.


Thus, organic wines are directly related to the concept of sustainability, ensuring that each stage of the process -from planting the grapes to vinification- respectful management of resources.


As far as pest management is concerned, the use of pesticides is avoided, preferring the action of insects or animals that can eliminate them naturally, which allows biodiversity to be safeguarded and, with it, an important part of the identity of the wines.

The production of organic Chilean wines


Driven by the demand of consumers concerned about sustainability, Chilean farmers have made an effort to promote organic production at all levels. This has led to the fact that, until 2019, more than 113,000 hectares of certified organic land were recorded in the country.


It is estimated that, until 2020, the production of organic wines represents 2.5% of the total land occupied by national vineyards. Given the popularity of these varieties, this figure could increase from year to year.


In export terms, organic wines from Chile produced $48.7 million between January and November 2021, with red wine being one of the most popular options.

The Chilean territory and its benefits in the cultivation of organic wine

One of the key factors when evaluating a wine is the terroir, a concept that encompasses a set of factors, such as the soil, climate and the winemaking practices of each vineyard. In this sense, Chile is a country with great arguments for the production of organic wines.

In this regard, it is worth specifying that the terroir is enhanced thanks to the microorganisms present in the soil, as well as those responsible for carrying out the vinification or fermentation process.

In this sense, the real advantage of the Chilean territory for the production of organic wines is its geography, since the mountains, the Pacific Ocean, the desert and the glaciers are true entry barriers that protect the health of our vineyards from pests such as so feared phylloxera (which devastated Europe in the 19th century), making the organic production of wine grapes in Chile easier.

It is worth remembering that in Chile there are vineyards from north to south, this means a wide variety of microclimates and soils, making our country an ideal territory to achieve a different, specific product that represents the place from which it comes.

Thus, the importance of promoting the production of organic Chilean wines lies in protecting our particular biodiversity with ecological protocols, which help us preserve the conditions that lead the industry to stand out worldwide.

Viña Cono Sur: apuesta por la sustentabilidad

En las más de 400 hectáreas que en Viña Cono Sur dedicamos a la producción orgánica -tanto de vino tinto como de blancos-, las uvas se mantienen completamente libres de agentes químicos, dando origen a vinos de gran calidad, como el Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc o el aplaudido Pinot Noir Chile.

Para garantizar la sustentabilidad tras la producción de nuestros vinos, en Viña Cono Sur tenemos 17 años de certificación orgánica, algo determinante para posicionarnos entre consumidores cada vez más exigentes.

Gracias a ello, hoy podemos ofrecer algunos de los vinos orgánicos mejor catalogados del país, como Chardonnay, Malbec o Pinot Noir Chile, los cuales son ejemplo de prácticas sustentables y 100% naturales.

Viña Cono Sur: commitment to sustainability

More than 400 hectares that Viña Cono Sur dedicates to organic production -both red and white wines-, the grapes are kept completely free of chemical agents, giving rise to high-quality wines, such as Cabernet Sauvignon, Sauvignon Blanc or the acclaimed Pinot Noir Chile.

To guarantee sustainability after the production of our wines, at Viña Cono Sur we have 17 years of organic certification, something decisive to position ourselves among increasingly demanding consumers.

Thanks to this, today we can offer some of the best cataloged organic wines in the country, such as Chardonnay, Malbec or Pinot Noir Chile, which are examples of sustainable practices.